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RHS (Level 2) Certificate in Horticulture
Eksamen er i 4 deler. Og disse er selvsagt kun i papirversjon. Jeg har derfor skrevet dem av i word, og jeg lenker opp filene her:
Disse fire skal jeg svare og levere i løpet av en måneds tid!
Den første delen legger jeg også ut her for dere som vil ha en sniktitt, men ikke orker å lese dokumenter :)
RHS (Level 2) Certificate in Horticulture
(These are mock Test Papers prepared by KLC)
Horticulture I – Planning, Principles and Production
Scetion A Short Answer Questions, each worth 2 marks
Units: The Plant (Plant Kingdom), Plant Propagation (Flora), Outdoor Food Production, Garden Planning
The duration of the Hort 1 (Sections A and B) exam is 1 ½ hours.
Answer all questions
The Plant
1. Name an example of a succulent dehiscent fruit AND an example of an indehiscent fruit
2. State TWO characteristics of wind pollinated plants
3. State what is meant by the terms epigeal and hypogeal germination
4. State TWO external differences between monocotyledon and dicotyledons.
5. Describe the process of photosynthesis
6. Define the terms mitosis AND melosis
7. Define the terms phloem and xylem
8. Define ”intergeneric hybrid” and NAME one example
Plant Propagation
a. Define the term physical dormancy
b. State a method of overcoming this type of dormancy
10. List TWO types of stem cutting used in propagation giving NAMED plant examples for each
11. Define the term ”Critical Water Period”.
Outdoor Food Production
12. State TWO benefits of using natural windbreaks in a garden situation.
13. List FOUR factors to be considered when selecting suitable rootstocks for top fruit
Garden planning
14. List FOUR requirements of the user which must be considered before preparing the outline plan for a garden.
15. Define the surveying term “Triangulation”.