After several requests, I'll post this recipe in English. For the Norwegian one, click here >
Growing Verbena Bonariensis from seed, is quite easy. At least I have succeeded every time I have used this method.
1. In December or January sow seeds on top of moist compost mixed with sand. Gently cover with a really thin layer of compost.
2. Put the pot in a polythene bag, and mark the pot with sowing date. This is really important! :)
3. Put the pot in your fridge for 4 to 6 weeks.
4. Take the pot out and place it in a windowsill in your kitchen or living room, stil bag over it.
5. After almost a week the seedlings will be popping up, and you should now move the pot to a colder room (about 15 degrees Celsius/59 degrees Fahrenheit). It should have a lot of light, ether place it in a window, or under a lamp.
6. Transplant seedlings when large enough to handle, 1 in each pot. Keep them under light until frost is gone. They need to acclimatise before being transplanted out in your garden. For example let them out in the shade during the day, and keep them inside during the night, for more than a week. The biggest threat is the sun. It will burn the leaves.
The longer you wait before moving them out, the bigger and fatter they will get much quicker. The one on the left in the picture, has been inside until mid may, the other to pots was taken out in late april. The first time, do as I did, leave some of them inside to check for the perfect moment. Next year, You'll know for sure.
In some climates this is a perennial, in Norway its an annual, so I do this every year. Check here for a recepie on how to make Verbena cuttings.
I really love these plants, they make a spectacular show in august into frosty november.
Good luck, and let me know if you succeed or fail!